Japan Tax Guide

What is “Reverse Charge Mechanism”?

Creation date2015/11/30 Last updated2022/12/05


Question: Does the revised Consumption Tax (C-tax) Law requires foreign businesses to file the tax return in Japan, if they provide electronic service to customers in Japan?

Answer: Foreign businesses providing electronic services to customers in Japan are not required to file the C-tax return as long as their services are “B2B electronic services.” On the other hand, customers have the obligation to file the tax return on behalf of the foreign businesses.

There are two categories of electronic services the following:

< B2B electronic services >

  • Distribution of advertisements on the internet.
  • Provision of market-place to sell application software including games at the websites on the internet, etc.
  • * Among provision of electronic services conducted by foreign businesses, “provision of services that normally are limited to businesses, considering the nature of the services, or the terms and conditions relating to the provision of the services” are classified as the provision of B2B electronic services. For the detail of classification, please refer to TOMA Consultants Group.

< B2C electronic services>

  • Provision of e-books, music, and videos that is generally provided for consumers.
  • Services that state on a website that they are intended for business use, but that cannot effectively restrict applications from consumers and others those who are not in businesses, etc.

* The “provision of B2C electronic services” is not limited to services that only consumers receive but also include services received by businesses.

In the case of B2B electronic services, a Japanese corporation, or business proprietor, receiving the services provided is liable to file and pay C-tax, instead of foreign businesses that provide the services. It is the obligation of the customers in Japan, they must declare the C-tax on sales of service provider overseas, as well as the C-tax on their purchase. The amount of sales C-tax and purchase C-tax above should be obviously same. It is the new taxation scheme called a “Reverse Charge Mechanism.”

Foreign businesses providing B2B electronic services are required to notify the service recipient beforehand that the transaction is subject to a “Reverse Charge Mechanism” when providing B2B electronic services. The notice must be easily recognizable for the service recipient. Although they are not obliged to file the tax return by themselves, they have to notify the obligation of customers.

Regarding the other case, i.e. B2C electronic services, “Reverse Charge Mechanism” is not applied. You can see the detail in the next blog.

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On-demand Seminar Information

A Guide to the Qualified Invoice System (On-demand Seminar)

The Qualified Invoice System, starting October 2023, introduces new changes to the Japanese consumption tax rules and will affect many businesses across Japan.

The system requires a redesign of existing invoices, as well as a review of the business’ consumption tax status and suppliers.

This online seminar aims to give you an overall understanding of the Qualified Invoice System and provide measures to help you navigate the new requirements.

>>Click here for seminar details and registration


Question: 改正された消費税法では、日本の顧客に対して電気通信利用役務の提供を行う外国法人は消費税申告をしなければならないのですか?

Answer: 日本の顧客に対して電気通信利用役務の提供を行う外国法人は、その提供するサービスが「事業者向け」であれば申告の必要がありません。一方、顧客側が外国法人に代わって申告を行う義務を負います。


< 事業者向けサービス >

  • インターネット上での広告の配信。
  • ゲームをはじめとするアプリケーションソフトをインターネット上のwebサイトで販売する場所を提供するサービス、等。
  • * 国外事業者が行う電気通信利用役務のうち、「役務の性質又は当該役務の提供に係る取引条件等から当該役務の提供を受ける者が通常事業者に限られるもの」が、事業者向け電気通信利用役務の提供に該当するものとされています。詳しい区分については、TOMAコンサルタンツグループにご相談下さい。

< 消費者向けサービス>

  • 広く消費者を対象に提供されている電子書籍・音楽・映像の配信等。
  • ホームページ等で、事業者を対象に販売することとしているものであっても、消費者をはじめとする事業者以外の者からの申込みが行われた場合に、その申込みを事実上制限できないもの。

* 「消費者向け電気通信利用役務の提供」は、消費者が提供を受けるものに限られず、事業者が提供を受けるものも含まれます。


