Scope of Entertainment Expense and Calculation of Non-Deductible Expense
Question: How can I identify the entertainment expenses when I start to draft the corporate tax return and is there any limitation regarding the entertainment expenses for tax purpose?
◆Scope of “entertainment expense” under the corporate tax law in Japan
As part of maintaining and facilitating business relationships, companies pay for expenses related to customers, clients, vendors and other parties affiliated with the business such as reception, entertainment, consolation, gifts etc.
However, the following expenses are excluded from “entertainment expense”
1.Ordinary expenses for employee activities such as sports days, shows and company trips etc.
2.Dining expenses of JPY5,000 or less per person (*excluding those solely for internal directors/employees and their relatives). Records showing the following information must be kept on file.
・Date of dining
・Participants’ name and relationship to company
・Number of participants
・Expensed amount and the name of restaurants/shops and location.
*Consumption tax is included or excluded from the dining JPY5,000 and entertainment expenses based on the company’s accounting treatment for consumption tax.
3.Other expenses: calendars, planners, and other small gifts, food and beverage for meetings, printed publications, seminars held for editing broadcast program, expenditures of interview for broadcasting
◆Calculation of non-deductible expense in tax rules
Japanese corporate tax law sets two types of deductible limits categorized by the size of company as follows (applicable to FY start from 1st April, 2014 afterwards):
Size of company |
Deduction limit |
1. Small & medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) |
JPY8 million OR 50% of total dining expenses |
2. Other than SME AND subsidiary companies wholly owned by a parent company whose paid-in capital is JPY500 million or more |
50% of total dining expenses |
For SMEs who choose the deductible limit of JPY8 million, the excess amount of entertainment expenses in the fiscal year is treated as non-deductible expense. The calculation formula of fixed amount deductible limit for entertainment expenses is【JPY8,000,000 x (number of months in FY/12)】.
At TOMA Consultants Group, our international tax experts can help you with all of your international taxation needs and questions. For more details, please feel free to contact TOMA Consultants Group.
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企業規模 |
控除限度額 |
1. 中小企業 |
800万円 若しくは 接待飲食費の50% |
2. 1以外の法人 |
接待飲食費の50% |